Monday, October 20, 2008

Amendments Fall 2008

Article VII of the PCCEA Constitution requires proposed amendments to the Constitution to be posted for viewing and comment.

  • Article VII - Amendments
    Section 1 - Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be posted on the Association’s Website. A minimum of thirty (30) days will be allowed for discussion before calling for a vote.
    Section 2 - Voting can be conducted on-line or at a membership meeting. If conducted on-line, at least three (3) regular workdays will be allowed for voting.
    Section 3 - Amendments must be approved by a 2/3 majority of the voting membership or by a 2/3 majority of the Executive Board.

Proposed Changes to the Constitution [Click Here]
PDF in Legistlative Style

Click the "comments" link below to view and post comments for discussion.

Thank you for your participation.


Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings about the first change (Art III, Sct1 a). I know we have a couple of administrators as members and accepting this language would require us to delete them from our membership... However, I understand the need to ensure that officer positions are held by Faculty. I cannot imagine a circumstance when an administrator would even run for office, but I suppose this language safe-guards against this possibility. I would like to know others' thoughts on this topic.

I think the No-Confidence language is perfect. I am glad we are adding this language to our Constitution/Bylaws.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what the rationale was for removing the student members. I have no objection, but I know that many of the professional organizations to which I belong, allow student members.

Anonymous said...

Rationale for deleting Student Members:
Students can create their own chapter of AEA and it becomes their own local with their own elections for officers, etc. We felt this would be better than including them in PCCEA where they have no vote and cannot hold office.

Anonymous said...

If I am understanding the language of the proposed changes correctly, librarians would no longer be eligible to be PCCEA members. All else equal, librarians are powerful forces for taking a firm stand against harmful administrator action--since librarians have excellent research skills. What is the rationale for excluding librarians from PCCEA membership eligibility?

Anonymous said...

"Full-Time Regular Faculty" is defined by the College to include both Instructional and Educational Support Faculty. That includes Librarians and Counselors. Thanks for bringing up that point... It could be misleading to think that it only means Instructional Faculty.

Anonymous said...

Does the wording of the membership amendment exclude the full-time instructors in Adult Ed who are classified as staff?

Anonymous said...

Regarding Adult Ed (PCAE) Instructors:
PCCEA has never been allowed to represent Adult Education instructors. The change in the wording of active membership simply reflects current practice and restrictions: we are only allowed to represent Full-time Regular Faculty.
I have received confirmation from the College that Association of Classified Exempt Staff (ACES) is the representative group for PCAE Instructors. All PCAE non-exempt personnel are represented by American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME).
If you are unaware of your employee status (exempt or non-exempt), please contact the HR department at 206-4624.

Thanks, so much for your comment. We definitely needed clarification on this point.