Thursday, May 7, 2015

Proposed Changes Spring 2015

Article VII of the PCCEA Constitution requires proposed amendments to the Constitution to be posted for viewing and comment.

Please review the following proposed change and add any comments below.
ARTICLE II - Purposes  
Section 1 – To work for the welfare of students, the advancement of education, and the improvement of instructional opportunities for all.  
Section 2 – To develop and promote the adoption of such ethical practices, personnel policies, and standards of preparation and participation as mark a profession.  
Section 3 – To unify and strengthen the teaching profession and to secure and maintain the salaries, retirement, tenure, professional and sick leave and other working conditions necessary to support teaching as a profession.  
Section 4 - To enable members faculty to speak with a common voice on matters pertaining to the teaching profession and to present their individual and common interest before the Board of Governors and other legal authorities.  
Section 5 - To hold property and funds and to employ a staff for the attainment of these purposes.

This motion was made by Nan Schmidt and seconded by Ana Jimenez. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Proposed Changes 2012

Article VII of the PCCEA Constitution requires proposed amendments to the Constitution to be posted for viewing and comment.

Please review the following proposed changes and add any comments below. 
Proposal #1: Modify Election Calendar.
Rationale:  The following date changes are being proposed to ensure that elected terms end on April 30th, the same date Meet and Confer is required to end by policy.  The PCC Board of Governors is requesting proposals earlier, so we need to also allow the Chief Spokesperson have sufficient time to assemble the Meet and Confer Team.
[Bylaws] ARTICLE VIII – Elections

Section 1 – Elections Committee - The President of the Association shall appoint an Election Coordinator no later than September March 1. The Election Coordinator shall form a committee by appointing no less than two other Association members. This Elections Committee will be responsible for carrying out the nomination and election of officers in a confidential and democratic manner.

Section 2 – Nominations - The Elections Committee shall organize the nomination of officers. The nomination period will last no less than 7 days and shall end by September March 30. Only active members may submit nominations.

Section 3- Public Discussion Period – The Elections Committee, with assistance from the Web-Master, shall post on-line a sample ballot, no later than October April 10. Actual balloting shall begin no sooner than seven days after this posting.

Section 4 - Balloting - The Elections Committee, with assistance from the Membership Coordinator and Web-Master, as necessary, shall conduct the election. Members shall vote for candidates by secret ballot in accordance with procedures developed by the elections committee and approved by the Executive Board. Balloting and counting will be completed and results posted to the Association website, no later than October 31 April 30.

Section 5 – The term of office begins November September 1 and runs for one year.

Section 6 – If after elections there remain vacant positions these shall be filled by the new Executive Board after November May 1 as delineated in Article V, Section 3 of the constitution.

Proposal #2: Modification of Representative to PCCEA Member Ratio.
Rationale:  The change from fifteen to eleven is in response to the workload of current campus representatives. 
[Bylaws] ARTICLE V - Campus Representatives

Section 2 - Each campus shall elect a minimum of one (1) Campus Representative and additional Campus Representatives based on the ratio of one (1) Representative for each fifteen eleven (15 11) Association members, or major fraction thereof, at that campus. Association members assigned at more than one campus shall be counted as a part of the campus Association membership where they are assigned a majority of their work time. Nominations and elections for Campus Representatives shall take place simultaneously with elections of officers. The Membership Coordinator shall inform the Elections Committee Chair of the number of Campus Representatives to which each campus is entitled.

Proposal #3: Modification of Executive Board Composition.
Rationale:  The following changes ensure that appointed PCCEA leadership are included in Executive Board discussions; however, only elected officials will hold a voting position.
[Constitution] ARTICLE V - Executive Board

Section 1 - The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers of the Association, the immediate past President, and the Campus Representatives, the Election Coordinator, the Webmaster, the members of the Negotiating Committee, and the Data Analyst. The Election Coordinator, Webmaster, Data Analyst and members of the Negotiating Committee shall be non-voting members of the Board. The Executive Board shall be the executive authority of the Association, and it shall be the legislative and policy-forming body of the Association. A member occupying more than one voting position shall have only one vote.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Amendments Fall 2008

Article VII of the PCCEA Constitution requires proposed amendments to the Constitution to be posted for viewing and comment.

  • Article VII - Amendments
    Section 1 - Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be posted on the Association’s Website. A minimum of thirty (30) days will be allowed for discussion before calling for a vote.
    Section 2 - Voting can be conducted on-line or at a membership meeting. If conducted on-line, at least three (3) regular workdays will be allowed for voting.
    Section 3 - Amendments must be approved by a 2/3 majority of the voting membership or by a 2/3 majority of the Executive Board.

Proposed Changes to the Constitution [Click Here]
PDF in Legistlative Style

Click the "comments" link below to view and post comments for discussion.

Thank you for your participation.